Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Social Networking and Whether It Helps Create a Utopian or Dystopian Essay

Social Networking and Whether It Helps Create a Utopian or Dystopian Society - Essay Example 1. Body A. Utopian society B. Dystopia society 2. Analysis and evaluation 3. Definitions Conclusion: In conclusion, social networking plays a big role in shaping responses to situations and understanding between people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds. It has made it possible to sell ideologies and get new perspective on any issue discussed. Introduction The introduction of social networking sites in the internet have had mixed reactions from scholars and individuals. Though philosophical analysts believe that the production of individuals in work places has reduced drastically, there are those on the view that the sites bring new, constructive ideas through interaction. The sites are believed to have brought a utopia society. As defined by Michael et. al., utopia refers to an ideal or a visionary world of political, social, and economic perfection (10). The resultant utopian society is one that achieves absolute harmony and happiness through exercising of perfect conside rations for people to live by. Dystopia refers to the complete opposite of utopia characterised by extremely fearful and dehumanizing conditions. It follows that a dystopian society is one characterised by lack of basic freedom, misery, and widespread discrimination based on race, sex, intellect or any other disparities that exist in societies. Wars, natural and anthropogenic calamities, overpopulation, scarcity of resources, high levels of crime and occurrence of epidemics bring about dystopia, whether in isolation or a combination of two or more. The two are mutually exclusive in that the presence of one automatically rules out the other. A classic example of this relation between the two is the attempt by the German leader, Adolf Hitler, to create a utopian society constituting a super race, which backfired in to a dystopian society for the discriminated minorities. A utopian or dystopian society at the global level results from localized small communities that facilitate interac tion of people with similar goals of unity and harmonious co-existence or the lack of it. Leaders across board strive to form societies that uphold basic human freedoms; exercise democracy in decision-making, equality between sexes, races, and different persuasions, fairness in resource distribution and environmental sustainability among others to make the world an oasis of peace for all. This implies that people exercise greater control of their actions than they do currently; cooperate in organizing and undertaking activities that affect others and the environment. This is contrary to current capitalist and communist systems practised, in which the elite have complete control over poor whom they exploit for economic gains. Education is a basic ingredient of utopia; learners should be encouraged to carry on with their interests in order to fully explore and develop their criticality in thinking. Political leadership and governance would be expected to change to an egalitarian syste m in which people organise themselves voluntarily to manage vital institutions without coercive and hierarchical structures. Encouraging basic science and technology with priority to appropriate application and careful understanding of its implications on the ecology before adoption is another tenet of utopianism. Other features include practice of equality between sexes, exercise of great control over individual contact and tolerance to the highest

Sunday, February 9, 2020

In what cases is U.S. military intervention in other countries Research Paper

In what cases is U.S. military intervention in other countries justifiable In what cases is it not - Research Paper Example In any case, America is fighting with other countries all the time one way or other. It is difficult to justify all these wars conducted by United States. The Afghanistan war can be justified up to certain extent because of the brutalities committed by the Muslim fundamentalist group Taliban. Moreover, America has support from the existing Afghanistan political regime in destroying Talibanism from Afghan soil. However, same thing cannot be said about the recent Iraq war. It was conducted against the will of the political administration in Iraq. Moreover, the reasons cited for attacking Iraq were rejected by other countries. The theory of weapons of mass destruction was indigestible to other countries. America is still struggling to justify Iraq war since they failed to seize any weapons of mass destruction from Iraq. This paper analyses in what cases is U.S. military intervention in other countries is justifiable and in what cases is it not. On March 20, 2003 America with the help of its allies attacked Iraq, accusing Iraq for the possession of illegal chemical, biological and nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction. Moreover, America explained to the world that the possession of such serious weapons may cause immense threat to the global peace. However, even after the execution of Saddam Hussein, American troops failed to seize any such weapons from Iraqi soil. ... It is illegal to attack a country for exploiting its natural resources. Sovereignty of a country should be respected in order to keep global peace intact. It is fact that most of the Middle Eastern countries including Iraq were administered by some dictators. However, spreading of democracy through war cannot be justified under any circumstances. Bush Jr. spent billions of dollars just for saving the pride of his father. The current financial crisis is believed to be the by-product of Iraq war. In other words, Iraq war not only affected the Iraqi people, but it affected the Americans also. Many of the American soldiers sacrificed their lives in Iraq in their efforts to bring peace back in Iraq. The cost of Iraq war can be better analyzed with the help of following illustration. (Cost of Iraq War and Nation Building) â€Å"According to an article by Stephen Gowans, the US command knowingly violated Article 54 of the Geneva Convention which prohibits any country from undermining objec ts indispensable to the survival of (another country's) civilian population" (Abuelo). Iraq war resulted in large scale looting and criminal disorder, especially in Baghdad and Basra. Coalition forces were quite unable to maintain public order and the Iraqi police forces largely withdrew from the major centers of population (Rogers, p.13). In other words, the coalition forces failed to keep their word they given to the external world; a peaceful Iraq without Saddam. In short, Iraq war or America’s intervention in Iraq could not be justified under any circumstances. The reasons cited for the wars were illogical and Americans forced pay big prices for this war in the form of big expenditure and the sacrifice of the lives of many of its people.